
‘Tis the Season Already!?! [POLL]
‘Tis the Season Already!?! [POLL]
‘Tis the Season Already!?! [POLL]
Halloween just passed, and suddenly nothing is spooky. Suddenly, some people are a bit merry and jolly. Suddenly, you are reading about the Christmas season. But is it Christmas season already? While some humans hate "pre-mature decorating" and gobble about Thanksgiving, others prefer to be lighthearted as soon as possible (and maybe you're one of those who only wants to party whenever).
Netflix and Food Coma! Best Shows to Binge Watch Thanksgiving Weekend
Netflix and Food Coma! Best Shows to Binge Watch Thanksgiving Weekend
Netflix and Food Coma! Best Shows to Binge Watch Thanksgiving Weekend
The biggest eating holiday weekend of the year is coming up! And what goes better with a food coma than lots and LOTS of TV!? Nothing! We've done the research and found the best TV shows for you to watch back-to-back this weekend. Whether hanging with the fam or taking a much needed break for other humans, Netflix has plenty of shows for you to cozy up to...
6 Cool Ways to Mix Up Mashed Potatoes This Thanksgiving
6 Cool Ways to Mix Up Mashed Potatoes This Thanksgiving
6 Cool Ways to Mix Up Mashed Potatoes This Thanksgiving
Mashed potatoes are one of my favorite foods but I hate how everyone argues about whose are better when really the only differences are a pinch of crumbled bacon, maybe some sage, occasionally shredded cheese or a little sour cream. So in my quest to have the BEST mashed potatoes this year, I looked up some extreme options:
8 Reasons Fall Is Better Than Summer
8 Reasons Fall Is Better Than Summer
8 Reasons Fall Is Better Than Summer
It's official: summer is over. And while there's a certain sadness that comes with summer's end, autumn has several perks of its own. We took some time to reflect on the things we can do, see, and experience in the fall that make summer green with envy...
What’s on TV for Thanksgiving Weekend?
What’s on TV for Thanksgiving Weekend?
What’s on TV for Thanksgiving Weekend?
What would Thanksgiving weekend be without tons of food and tons of TV watching! Each year the networks put on some classics, or run marathons of our faves. Here's a list of some of the best things to catch while in a food coma. Happy Thanksgiving!
Best Board Games for the Holidays
Best Board Games for the Holidays
Best Board Games for the Holidays
OH NO! You have people coming over for the holidays and you have to keep them entertained! What shall you do!? A good old-fashioned game night will get everyone off their smart phones and keep them entertained.
Thanksgiving Food You Cannot Be Without? [POLL]
Thanksgiving Food You Cannot Be Without? [POLL]
Thanksgiving Food You Cannot Be Without? [POLL]
It's Thanksgiving time once again and it's time for all our favorite holiday foods. For Thanksgiving there are certain things I just can't live without. One year on Thanksgiving I didn't get any turkey. My relative bought ham instead! Sure, ham is great, but it just doesn't feel like Thanksgiving without turkey...

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