Valentines Day is just around the corner and has many asking what would be a great Valentines gift for their loved one. Lucky for me, I'm single this year so I don't have much to worry about this weekend. But say I wasn't single this year, what would be an ideal date or gift someone could get me or I could get someone? Well, let's take a look. Now mind you, my list may not be ideal for everyone, but it's ideal for me and ideas for you.

Before I get started, let me start out by saying I'm not the 'dinner, movie' girl. Too boring, too typical. I'm the kind of girl who loves excitement, I love trying out new things, I just LOVE me a good time. So when I think about an IDEAL date, I think about something fun and exciting, even if it does involve dinner and a movie. I would turn it into something creative and my own that would make it memorable and fun! So what does my ideal Valentines day look like? Well…...:

  • My number one ideal date would consist of getting out of town! Nothing wrong with my home town Tri-Cities but I'm the kind of girl who NEEDS excitement, fun and new activities, new foods etc. in her life, so of course my ideal date would consist of nothing but fun plus getting out and exploring new things. When I think of an ideal date, I think of something fun and exciting that I can do with someone that I care about who enjoys and loves excitement as much as I do. Now when I say 'getting out of town', it could mean going across the world to Australia(IDEAL), or a simple weekend getaway to Leavenworth filled with new activities. Hell, we could even take a small trip to Seattle and enjoy a fancy dinner then roll out to see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into!
Getty-Mario Tam
Getty-Mario Tam
  • A sport event! I love sports, especially physical sports such as Football or Hockey. Football is obviously over by the time Valentines day comes around but after a nice evening spent together, a night out to a Hockey game would totally make the cherry on top! Hockey is so much fun to watch in person. I'll be completely honest, I don't know a whole lot about Hockey but one thing I do know is that I enjoy the hell out of physical sports and what separates Hockey from any other sport is well, the fights! Oh and there's beer=) So yes, my second ideal date would be a sporting event, the more physical the better. But of course the sporting event would have to be coupled with a creative evening spent with the lover, not just a sport event and then home. There's gotta be more to it;) I have an evening in mind that I know I would enjoy but that's for me and my lover. You'd have to come up with something fitting for you and your lover. We all like different things so know your lover and get creative!
Chris Trotman
Chris Trotman
  • Now I know I just talked about exciting dates, exciting events and yadda yadda. Don't get me wrong, I love an exciting night but I'm also a sucker for romance. A dinner date with my lover would have to be absolutely perfect. Again, I'm a sucker for romance and most definitely a perfectionist when it comes to these things. The restaurant has to be right. Scenery is very important! What's a good meal if you don't have a beautiful view to go with it. Good lighting is key. Low-light or a candle-lit environment is perfect. Soft music in the background of course(preferably live music). I personally would prefer a restaurant with foreign food. Perhaps a French meal paired with my favorite white wine. Score!
  • Lets talk about gifts now. Now I can't say I speak for ALL women when I talk about what gifts a girl would love for Valentines Day. Every girl is different, you have to know yours. I am a very simple girl. Simplicity is my thing. I don't expect a diamond ring or a trillion flowers waiting for me at work/home. I always say, it's the thought that counts. If my lover knows me, they'll know that. Going back to point number 2, surprise me with tickets to a fun event or maybe even tickets to a concert of one of my favorite artists/bands, something we can both enjoy together. Again, I'm a very simple girl. I'm the easiest when it comes to gifts.
Wathiq Khuzaie
Wathiq Khuzaie

This is my IDEAL Valentines day, could be different from yours. Just remember, at the end of the day, it's the thought that counts! =)

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