The Washington State Parks and Recreation Department are getting REALLY creative during the statewide 'Stay Home Stay Safe' campaign and are hosting a virtual Camp-In on Friday Night

It happens this Friday, April 17 at 6:30 PM streaming live on YouTube.

From the Washington State Parks and Rec Website:

To join in, “campers” may set up tents in their homes or yards, snuggle in their sleeping bags, tune in this Friday at 6:30pm and come camping with Parks Foundation members, staff, commissioners and fellow Washingtonians.

The lineup of activities starts with greetings from Parks Commissioner Ken Bounds. Celebrity chef Kathy Casey will tell stories of Northwest life and share her favorite camp-in recipes. Musicians Johnny Bregar and the Brianna Collins Band will put visitors in the campfire mood and Parks interpreters Jena Gray and David McWalter will offer unique views on Whidbey Island’s Fort Casey Historical State Park and on the Northwest Geology at Sun Lakes State Park in eastern Washington, respectively.

The Washington State Parks Foundation is also hosting a photo contest of the best house-camping setup. Submit photos for a chance to win an REI gift certificate! The prize will be announced at the end of Friday’s Camp-In.

Many artists and surprise guests plan to show up at the event. The Washington State Parks Foundation will be giving out several complimentary Discover Passes, State Park guides and maps.

 “We are happy to be able to foster connection between people who love state parks during this time of social distancing,” said Foundation Director John Floberg. “After participating in this evening, you’ll have lots of new ideas when state parks reopen.”

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