Tax time is here again! And if you're getting a return, filing sooner rather is later is beSt! Why let the government have your money any longer!? There are plenty of ways to spend that dough, but here are some fun and creative ways to utilize that cash!


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    Let your kids spend it

    You're probably like, WHAT!? Are you nuts!? Let me explain. Give your older kids a set amount of money to budget for one or two weeks on the household spending to teach them the value of money and how to live on a budget. They'll have fun (for the most part) and you'll have fun watching them learn the value of a buck (and scramble to try to afford what they think they can get.)

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    Give it away

    You work hard for you money, I know. Buttwhy not take some of your good fortune and help others in your community. Not only will you help make the lives of others better, you'll get the warm feeling of strengthening your community it's. And if nothing else, your donation is most likely tax deductible for next year, so it's a win win.

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    Everyone needs a break. Vacations are great, but they can be incredibly stressful. Make your money go further with a trip somewhere close to home or even AT home. Camping, boating, movie escape weekend, new TV or game system for the house, cooking, wineries... The sky is the limit.

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    Don't Touch It

    This many not seem that fun, but if you don't know what to do with the money or have too many ideas, just leave it. Leave it as long as you can, because one day something will pop up that is crucial or just an amazing idea and when it does you'll have the cash to do it. Anything from needing car repairs to a last minute invitation to New York, it feels great to be able to say yes and not have to worry about the funds. So if you don't have any urgent need, just leave it in the bank for a rainy, or very sunny day!

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